To help create a positive future for Kastellorizo

Recognising our proud heritage, and giving back to the island of our forebears…


View the current and upcoming events on Kastellorizo. Read more

The Olympic torch passed through Kastellorizo on the way to Paris – April 18th 2024. Read more
Rock Solid Racing Kastellorizo – Saturday June 1st – Sunday June 2nd 2024. Read more
Rock Solid Events – Swim Adventure Stroggili Sunday June 23rd 2024. Read More
Megisti Open Water Swim Event – June 30th 2024. Read more


9th International Documentary Festival in Kastellorizo island “Beyond the Borders”. 25 August – September 1 2024.

Read more

Student Exchange Program 2020. COVID-19 Update. Read more.

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Do you want to visit Kastellorizo?

View the ferry and plane timetables to & from Kastellorizo


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